Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas Party!

Sunday Afternoon, December 7th
12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

After church on Sunday, around noon, we will head over to Pizza Hut, then out for Christmas Caroling at one of the nursing homes, and then back to Sandy’s house for games, snacks, and a “White Elephant” gift exchange.

Have you ever done a “White Elephant” gift exchange? It is a lot of fun! Search around for some thing that you might like to anonymously give to one of the youth in the group. It could be something nice (but not expensive), or something that you got from Aunt Bertha three birthday’s ago that you wondered what you were ever going to do with it. Be creative!! What might be fun, or cause others to be green with envy?

Everybody brings a “White Elephant” gift and puts it “under the tree”. Then drawing numbers, each has an opportunity to choose a gift from under the tree, or to steal someone else’s gift. A person who gets a gift stolen can then choose another or steal! This goes on until everyone has acquired a gift. Who has contributed the most “stolen” gift? Who has contributed a true “White Elephant”? You will have to come and see! If you end up purchasing a small gift, make sure it is inexpensive.

Each person should plan on bringing chips of some kind or a desert dish to share during snack time.

Plan on being picked up our 4:00 p.m. from Sandy's house.

Please sign up soon at the youth table so we can work out details of transportation, pizza, et cetera.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Any questions, please talk to Sandy or Ralph